Current properties for sale:

Selling your property at auction gives you, in our opinion, the best way of controlling the timescale for the realisation of your asset.

With payment made twenty working days from ‘fall of the gavel’, where an immediate binding contract is formed, you should effect a quicker sale.

Sale by Auction is particularly appealing to those wishing to downsize quickly or to the executors of Deceased Estates who wish to achieve a fair price on the open market.

Our House Selling Service

Working  closely with Kathryn Anderson of Fine & Country, British Bespoke Auctions collaborate with our clients to source and introduce premium properties to the market.

At Fine & Country, we understand the importance of reaching the right audience when selling your premium property. That’s why we offer a range of marketing strategies, including national advertising, meaning we can reach a larger number of potential buyers who are actively looking for a property like yours!

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